Biyernes, Marso 30, 2012

The Redemption Of Deke Summers by Gayle Wilson


As I’ve read this story Becki forced to choose whom she’ll be going to save, like the book says no woman should ever make; to save the life of the man she loves - or her son. I’ve learned that choosing between the persons you love feels like killing yourself and making decision like that can break a woman’s heart. I also learned that don’t easily trust a person especially when you don’t know everything about him because sometimes, it can lead your life to danger like here in this story its too late for Becki to recognize the secret past of John when a group of strange armed men broke into her home one night to use her as a hostage, she discovers that John whose real name is Deke has an ugly past.


                Becki need to choose between the man she loves and her son, I can connect myself here as my parents forced me to choose between my studies and my friends. When they let me to choose that time I was really confused and depressed because my studies and my friends are really important in my life. But later on, I realized that I should choose my studies because education really matters. I told my friends about that and they told me that they understand my situation, but of course it doesn’t mean that I will forget them maybe there’s a limitation in seeing them.


            As I read this book I asked myself what Becki’s saw in him to entrust her life easily. What would happen if the family of Deke was not killed by his enemies? Is there any chance that Deke and Becki would meet?


I think what will happen next is they forget what had happen in the past but before that he will probably tells everything about his past so that there will be no secret at all . Deke will start a new life with Becki and her son; they would have another child either a boy or a girl and lived happily ever after.


You have become the character in your novel. Write how you felt when things were happening that you had to control over. Describe this in detail. 

If I were in the shoe of Becki, definitely I might be out of myself if my son would be kidnap and steal from me. Obviously, I don’t know what to do and probably Im gonna ask help from other people whom I know. Since its all Deke’s fault, I’m going to blame him first but I’ll ask for his help also. And oblige him to save my son, I should; of course.  Again, if they force me to choose between my love one and my son, even it’s hard for me I will choose my son because I’m the one who raise him alone.

 If I were in the shoe of Deke, I’m gonna blame myself too and I wont let my past happen again in the second time. I will give my life just to protect Becki and her son. I will face my past and make it clear so that nobody will get hurt, to start a new and peaceful life.

Martes, Pebrero 28, 2012

FEARLESS by Francine Pascal

Part I


                    I learned from this story that even woman should know how to protect theirselves and be strong as an individual, like what Gaia Moore portrays. Gaia struggle to live a normal life and her fight against Loki (Oliver Moore) and his criminal organization. She is trained in all forms of combat so that she can defend herself. She as afraid of nothing, and she was just like a trouble magnet. Wherever she went, she always got into fights, but her training from her youth time had helped her to stay alive until now. She feels like an outsider because of being born without this gene. But it doesn’t really bother her because she likes being different.


She's a teenager. Did I mention that? She's never been kissed like me, because I want to give my first kiss to my future husband. We should not be afraid of fear, but we can accept fear as our ally and our weapon against the dark forces that surround us each day.


            As I read this book, I asked myself what would I do if I am fearless. Should I act like Gaia who saves other people using her skills, or ignore and live a normal life? Why Tom Moore choose to live alone without his only daughter?


I think what will happen next, Gaia will able to know about the secret in her past life. She may fall in love with Sam Moon and her love life will become complicated. Gaia will be surprise to see her father who left her.


My favorite part in the story is when Gaia Protected the life of Zolov while she’s doing her night routine, she spotted the guy attacking Zolov (which is her playmate in the chest in the park every afternoon, and also that person is very dear to him because she considered him as her grandfather since she grew up without a grandfather). My prediction about the next event in the story that Gaia’s real identity as a person without fear gene will be revealed to him, but Zolov will be going to accept and understand her.

Sabado, Enero 28, 2012

Vanished by Karen Robards

PART I        


I learned that it is really hard and painful for a woman to lose her child in the young age. I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to lose a child. Parents all over the world are having children abducted - some have been found, some have been murdered and many of them have never been found. This woman becomes involved with another family whose child is abducted and eventually finds out what happened to her child. The sad truth to all of this is really happening in our world today. Although this was fiction it certainly hits home.


                 Sarah lost  her daughter, Lexie here in Vanished. I can really relate to this situation because my mother also lost me when I was 9 years old and found me on  my birthday. 


 As I read this book I was wondering why Sarah don't want to accept  Jake's love ? though she can see his effort. why the Kidnap victims  kept in rooms with windows?its  so easy to spot while walking by. I would expect someone would close the blinds or board the window up.


I think what will happen next is Lexie will face her new life together with her mother also they will transfer to other place so that Lexie can fully moved on from the past.  Sarah will accept Jake to be her second husband; they will get married and lived happily ever after.  


Dear Karen,

I really like this story. This is my first time to read your novel and I don’t regret it.   Good story of a tormented Mom when her child vanished. It kept me wondering what could possibly happen next and you did a great job at throwing in unexpected surprises. You are such a great writer and I would like to read more of your stuff.

                Vanished did have an ending that brought tears to my eyes. I would recommend them to read it! GODBLESS.

                                                                                                                                  You’re reader,

Huwebes, Disyembre 22, 2011

EVERMORE by Alyson Noel



              In this story I’ve learned that once you find your true love, the one that is really meant for you, you will make an effort to prove your unconditional love. Like in this story Damen sacrifice everything just to protect Ever, he’d done everything to keep her safe from the deceitful schemes and dark revenge of Drina, Damen’s wife. I think it was not right for Drina to put all her anger to Ever because of her jealousy. In the first place it was Damen who keeps on chasing Ever.


              Ever had two best friends a girl and a gay namely Haven and Miles. These two characters make me remember of my childhood friends. We used to hang out at the canteen during our break time and talk about anything, like who’s the hottest guy in our campus, family problems, projects, teachers etc. Also another connection I had in this story is that I always feel excited and anxious when preparing for a party like what Ever felt.


              As I read this book I am really wondering why Damen is not contented to be a human being? Although the idea of being immortal is something that could really excite you as a person, still it won’t give you a lasting happiness. If Drina did not changed into being selfish and materialistic, would Damen still fall in love with Ever? Is it justifiable that Damen decided to bring back to life Ever if she did not want to?


               I think what will happen next is there will be another character in the story specifically a male character who will destroy the perfect relationship of Ever and Damen. This male character would eventually fall in love to Ever and will try to kill Damen by all means.

Damen: I was really mesmerized by his charm and I really admire his patience in finding Ever over and over again.

“I just enjoyed a taste for the good life. And yet, everytime I met you, I was willing to throw it all away, just to be near you.”
This quote is meaningful to me because it tells us that if a person truly loves someone he will give up everything just to be with that person.

Ever: I feel awful because she lost her family in just a second. If I were on her shoes, it would really be hard for me to recover from the guilt and pain of losing my family.

"Even though I really want her to stay, I've already robbed her of one life. I won't rob her of the afterlife too."

This quote means only one thing and that is to be brave enough to accept the fact that people, at some point of their life, have to be independent and have to make hard decisions like letting go of their loved one's.

Riley: I was touch by the love and concern Riley shows for her sister. It is not easy to decide whether to leave her sister alone or be with her family in heaven.

“When I decided to go all the way, well, that’s when it seemed like you needed me most. And I just couldn’t bear to leave you- I still can’t bear to leave you.”
This quote really marked on me because it tells us how siblings should love each other, that family comes first.

